1. Először is a rossz, és egyben mosolygásra késztető hírek, about the Stelena :)
"Expect some seriously sexy Stelena stuff. Obviously, there's their usual sweet romance, and the symbolism of Stefan putting the daylight ring on Elena's finger when they could nowliterally spend eternity together isn't lost. But holy moly, it's been a few years since we've seen a really hot, charged, sparks-flying-everywhere type of scene between Stefan and Elena -- and Stelena fans will finally get their kicks again in episode 2.
Unfortunately, the dirty-hot-wall-slamming-vampire-sexiness doesn't end the way that it should. (It ends with vomit, guys. Bloody vomit. So much of it. You've been warned. About all the bloody vomit.) "
Összegezve: Nagyon "forró" Stelen jelenetnek leszünk tanúi a 2. részben, DE ez egy véres-hányással teli jelenetbe torkollik. XDDDDDDDDDDDD Nem csodálkozom, hisz mindenki hány a Stelena láttán XD
2. És akkor jöjjenek a jó hírek, about Damon and Elena.
"And then there's Damon, who is... still feeling pretty bitter about Elena's choice in the Season 3 finale, but he's determined to be her friend anyway. Of course, their relationship grows increasingly complicated after she remembers meeting Damon first and his kind words to her (on two separate occasions). Delena fans will love watching the way the memories come back to her -- you'll get to relive a great moment from a fresh perspective. And yes, Elena does drink Damon's blood after Stefan's bunny diet doesn't agree with her tummy... and let's just say it really hits the spot."
Ohhhh jeaaaaaaaah :) Szóval Elena Damonból fog inni :) Gondolom ez lesz az a rész amiben Damon fogja tanítani Elenát ;) Már előre várom ezt a részt!!!!
Forrás: Zap2it
ahhh a gyűrűfelhúzás tök szép és romantikus rész... basszus..dejó a SErs-nek! Az sztem biztos egy nagyon romantikus jelenet lesz, kicsit irigy vagyok. Ja és a Stelena wallsex hát annak sem örülök.. kár érte. Az is sexy meg jó. No nem baj, remélem ha már SE részek lesznek akkor szépek :) pusz