
2012. május 29., kedd

THE NEW GIRL is coming...

Damon legjobb beszólásai a 3. évadban (én azért még bővítenék a listán:))

Damon in Season 3, Episode 22: “The Departed”
There’s a reason we call Damon the Snark King. From the death of a close friend to the misbehavior of his brother to a tender moment with the girl he loves, the elder Salvatore hasn’t met a moment that’s unworthy of a quippy one-liner. Here, for your reviewing pleasure, we recap Damon’s best no-he-didn’ts from Season 3.

Poor Jeremy
DamonDidn’t you find it weird how you made a friend so fast. I mean, have you met you?
(Season 3, Episode 19, “Heart of Darkness”)

Apologies, apologies
Damon (to Alaric): Sorry I killed you. Twice.
(Season 3, Episode 20, “Do Not Go Gentle”)

That’s a compliment?
Damon (to Stefan): Have I told you lately how much I appreciate you not being the dumbest brother on earth?
(Season 3, Episode 22, “The Departed”)

Appreciate, don’t hate
Damon: I like that confidence, Stefan. I don’t share it but I like it.
(Season 3, Episode 19, “Heart of Darkness”)

They’ve got something in common
Damon (to Klaus): You didn’t know I was friends with your mommy? Yeah, we have a lot in common. She hates you as much as I do.
(Season 3, Episode 15, “All My Children”)

Damon: What does that mean? Bonnie, I don’t speak Witch.
(Season 3, Episode 21, “Before Sunset”)

So true
Damon: We’re vampires Elena. We need human blood to survive. Not puppies.
(Season 3, Episode 17, “Break on Through”)

Good question
Damon (to Elena): Why do you look like somebody shot a panda bear?
(Season 3, Episode 15, “All My Children”)

Mother’s Day
Damon (about Esther): How is she even alive? I thought her hybrid freak show of a son ripped her heart out a thousand years ago.
(Season 3, Episode 14, “Dangerous Liaisons”)
Wait for the right moment
Damon: Hey Stef, remember when you killed Dad? You might want to dial down the judgment until dessert.
(Season 3, Episode 13, “Bringing Out the Dead”)

Stefan needs a hit
Damon: You’ll have to excuse my little brother. He’s jonesing for some O positive.
(Season 3, Episode 17, “Break on Through”)

Don’t get in his way
Damon (about Stefan): He just tried to behead someone in the middle of a council party. He’s operating on Crazy right now.
(Season 3, Episode 11, “Our Town”)

But wait — hear her out!
Damon: I know what you’re thinking and the answer is ‘No.’
Elena: If we give him Rebekah
Damon: Then he undaggers her and the first thing she does is kill you. Frying pan. Fire. Not an option.
(Season 3, Episode 10, “The New Deal”)

Ghost never gets old
Damon: Alright Whoopi. What do you need? Candles, incense, a pottery wheel?
(Season 3, Episode 19, “Heart of Darkness”)

No time to recap
Damon: I found some more white oak. Long story. Wait for the movie.
(Season 3, Episode 18, “The Murder of One”)

Damon drops the L-bomb
Elena: If I hadn’t asked Stefan to help you’d try to be the hero and you would have ruined everything.
Damon: I’m sorry for trying to keep you alive. Clearly Stefan doesn’t give a crap anymore.
Elena: Now you’re mad at me for including Stefan?
Damon: No I’m mad at you because I love you.
Elena: Well, maybe that’s the problem. (Awkward pause.) No, that’s not what I mean —
Damon: No, I got it Elena. I care too much. I’m a liability. How ironic is that?

Candice Accola interview ; Caroline Will be Disturbed to Learn She Said Goodbye to Klaus

ÓÓÓÓ..azok a karok ;) Úgy látom fekvőtámaszból nincs hiány XD

DELENÁSOK! Ezt a videót mindenképpen NÉZZÉTEK MEG!!! 3. évad alternatív befejezése. Zseniális!

2012. május 28., hétfő

3. évad fináléjához Open Credits-ek. Csekkold őket, mert fantasztikusak!

Horemzon egy Őstehetség, ez nem vitás :)

"If you're sexy and you know it, clap your hands " énekli Ian Somerhalder ( Lehet még ennél is szexibb???:))

Nian, Paul és Torrey a rajongókkal - Párizs

Szerelmes vagyok én...te beléd..te beléd XD

Különböző sorozatok párosaira lehet szavazni. TVD: Delena vs Stelena. Nyilván a Delena vezet! Szavazz TE is!


2012. május 27., vasárnap

Good Damon vs Bad Damon. Te melyiket szereted jobban? SZAVAZZ!

Sírjunk együtt??? :D

Ian interjú ( Ahhhhwww...EGY ISTEN)

A kis Stefant Bieber is simán játszhatná XD Nem????

A francia rajongók ismét kitettek magukért. Gratula!


Some french fans in Paris stalked and bothered Ian and Nina; plus she's been hardly insulted for being with Ian. She's had  enough so she started crying. Later Nian called brigade

Nina wasn't attacked, she was stalked and then they started insulting her 4 being with Ian, making her cry. 
#Nian called the brigade. #Good!

All you "fans"Who stalked Ian&Nina &told Nina she wasn't good enough for Ian. Congratulations. You got what you wanted!You made Nina cry!:'(

Nina a rajongók kereszttüzében

Örömhír Eewa Anyukánk jóvoltából - Julie Plec Twitter bejegyzése

@JosephMorgan awww, thanks Joseph! See you in a month in Atlanta! (spoiler alert)

Hoppá-hoppá! Julie és Joseph egy hónap  múlva Atlantában????? És ez spoiler? Tehát Joseph forgatni fog!!!!!!!!!!!

FIGYELEM! FIGYELEM! Új panoráma videó került ki az oldalra. MINDENKI, még egyszer, MINDENKI nézze meg, mert egyszerűen ZSENIÁLIS!!!!!!!

És VÉGRE 777Katys meghozta az új videóját, mely a 4. évadról szól (AU). Imádom a videókészítők fantáziáját. Tényleg:)  DELENA fanoknak KÖTELEZŐ! Jajj, teljesen be vagyok zsongva. Annnnnnnnyira jó lenne, ha ilyen lenne a 4. évad. De tudjuk, hogy ez a TVD, így erről csak álmodhatunk XD

Ha a lazaság, és a dögös megjelenés fájna...Ian már rég ordítana XD

Nian Párizsban :)

Oké...csak én vagyok olyan, hogy egy ilyen kép láttán rosszat gondolok? :D Ninanak jó dolga lehet:) Viccelek!;)

Ian - Penshoppe Magazine Pictures

Ian videók (L)

Irigylem a lányokat :D Ian-pusziiiii ;)

Convention Welcome to Mystic Falls 2. - Paris

2012. május 25., péntek

10 dolog amit szeretnénk a 4. évadban by Carina MacKenzie ( Én speciel sok dolgokkal egyetértek :))

tvd-320-full-cast-tableau.jpgNew episodes of "The Vampire Diaries" won't be returning to The CW until October, but while we soothe our withdrawal symptoms with reruns, we've been doing a lot of thinking about what we hope for in Season 4. The finale opened up a whole lot of doors, and we're looking forward to the writers taking advantage of every opportunity -- and creating some new ones. Here are ten (okay, eleven) things we want to see next fall when Elena faces a whole new challenge.

1. Elena's dark side. When a person turns into a vampire, their strongest personality traits are heightened. Elena's strongest personality traits are compassion and selflessness -- but seeing vampire Elena wander around Mystic Falls helping old ladies with their groceries and nursing injured animals back to health would get old really quickly. We've seen a few flashes of just how tough and fierce Elena can be when someone messes with the people she loves. We're hoping that is the side of her that emerges when she finally vamps out. Does Elena have a little Ripper in her?

2. A little happiness for Damon. We don't care if it comes from Elena, Katherine, Stefan, or an elaborate cocktail of prescription medications. It takes the fun out of Damon's wise cracks and eyebrow acrobatics when we know that inside, he's curled up in the fetal position crying about his man-pain.

3. Some new love interests. If Elena and Stefan don't last -- and let's face it, since this is television, things are bound to unravel sooner or later -- we'd really love to see what Stefan is like with someone else, if only for the sake of curiosity. He had great chemistry with Caroline in Season 2 -- of course, she's quite taken now, but at least we know he's capable of some connection with a woman who doesn't look like Nina Dobrev.

3. More Rebekah, all the time! We're not exactly singing Rebekah's praises after the stunt she pulled in the season finale, nearly killing Matt and actually-kinda-sorta killing Elena, but we're willing to chalk it up to grief-induced madness if she's really, really sorry (and if she buys Matt a new truck). Rebekah was an excellent addition to the show last season, and we're still intrigued by how she'll fit into Mystic Falls and whether her history with Stefan will be explored further. While we're on the subject of new characters, we're also hoping to keep Meredith Fell around a while.

4. Matt needs to get laid. The kid can only spend so much time pining for his undead exes before it crosses from chivalrous to pathetic. He and Rebekah shared some sweet moments in Season 3 -- let's go there

5. Some follow-through for Tyler. In Season 3, Tyler was a study in loose ends. He became a hybrid and was tempted by Rebekah to drink blood from live humans -- but we never saw the way that played out or exactly what kind of vampire he's become. Now, he's got the town council (whoever they are) after him, and he's currently possessed by Klaus, thanks to some blood magic from Bonnie. We want to see all of these arcs followed to their natural conclusions -- emotional repercussions and all.

6. Gay characters. Last year, The CW lost a lot of LGBT characters -- On "90210," Teddy left and Adrianna's bisexuality was barely addressed, and Eric left "Gossip Girl." This year, pilots like "The Carrie Diaries" and "Emily Owens, M.D." will help diversify the network when it comes to sexual orientation, and we think it's time for "The Vampire Diaries" to get on board. The only gay character we've seen so far has been Bill Forbes, and his partner never appeared on screen. With such a large cast of teen characters nearing the end of their senior year (and quite actively exploring their sexuality) "The Vampire Diaries" should be much more inclusive than it is.

7. Bring on bad Bonnie. One of the most frequent complaints we see about "The Vampire Diaries" on Twitter and in our comments section is that witchcraft tends to offer easy outs to many of the more complicated supernatural problems on the show. At the end of Season 3, Bonnie tapped into some very dark magic in order to help conquer Alaric, and there's evidence that some of that darkness may have rooted itself in her powers. She's also sick and tired of being used as a plot device. We'd love to see some real, personal impact for Bonnie -- especially if that means Bonnie gets a new, bad attitude and channels her anger into some good old wicked witchery. Will she finally decide to put her own life before Elena's?

8. More humans, please. With Matt and Jeremy the only humans in the gang, we think it's time to open up the world of Mystic Falls to some new characters that don't have such strong ties to the supernatural community. There is, we presume, an entire school full of people who have known Elena and her friends for years, as well as a Founder's Council full of people so threatening, Carol and Liz tried to send their own kids running out of town. Let's meet some of these people and find out how the events of the last couple of years have impacted the regular townsfolk.

9. Katherine vs. Elena: The Showdown. It's been a long time coming, and now that Elena is a vampire, and back together with Stefan, it's time to see her and Katherine really face off. These women are two sides of the same coin, and only one can be on top. Season 3 was pretty light on the doppelganger scenes, and though we know they're complicated to film for Miss Dobrev, they're a delight to watch.  

10. More Klaus-and-Stefan time. Klaus's obsession with Stefan made for one of the most intriguing relationships we've seen on the show, thanks to great writing and particularly nuanced performances. His stubborn, dogged insistence that they could and should be friends makes for a fun dynamic as he pushes Stefan's buttons, patiently waiting to find out which one of them will work. Now that the Salvatores know they can't kill Klaus, will Stefan keep his enemy close in Season 4?

Bonus No. 11: Hire Phoebe TonkinWith "The Secret Circle" officially canceled, it would appear that the sassy, sexy, and hilarious Tonkin is available. The CW can't afford to let her out of their sights, and we're sure they could make room for her in Mystic Falls. Our Thursday nights wouldn't be the same without her, so hopefully, there will be a role worthy of her talents.

Előzetese egy Season 3. finale alternatív befejezésének

HUHU...már nagyon várom a teljes verziót :) 

2012. május 24., csütörtök

Breaking News! AJÁNLÓ!

Sleepy DE Tesám belefogott egy igen érdekes, szövevényes, izgalmas, érzelmekkel teli fanfiction írásába, mely júliusban fog debütálni. Igen, jól "hallottátok"...már nincs sok hátra :) A címe: Memories. Ez egy Elena központú írás lesz, azonban, ha Ő a női főszereplő, akkor ki lehet a férfi? Hát persze, hogy Damon:) Szóval nem kell aggódni Delena rajongók! ;) Ehhez a csodához, mert tudom, hogy az lesz...kedvcsinálónak Nirvana, a Team Badass másik fele, csinált egy ÜTŐS promo videót. Ez az első videója, és máris fenomenális. Tényleg! Gratula !Nézzétek meg, mert minden részlet fontos lehet! Sleepy blogján lehet majd olvasni az új fictet. Ne feledjétek, JÚLIUSBAN!
Sleepy Blogja elérhető ITT

Ha tetszett a vidi, ne habozz megosztani VELÜNK! Minden véleményt szívesen várunk :)

Nina a Cannes-i Film Fesztiválon


Folyamatosan jönnek az újabb képek Ian-ről :)