
2012. április 11., szerda

Hírek Eewa Anyukánk jóvoltából :)

Nancy Forner adott egy kis betekintést a 3x19. részbe (+fináléba) 
ok, so I am getting a little emotional here....and wanted to share....
in 319 there is a beautiful scene where the differences between Damon and Stefen are discussed....it is really touching and tender and true. So now I am cutting a scene in 322...where the two brothers are being exactly who they are....and for some reason I am so moved by how well the characters of these two guys (vampires) are drawn out....how well the dialogue is written to express the differences and how well they act it out.....dunno why it touches me, but it just does..

Nancy Forner egy Twitterező kérdésére adott válasza...:(
"The question is...actually...if I can expect to see something sweet, or even delicate Stelena in the next episode?"  Válasz: "yes"

When is Esther returning to The Vampire Diaries—Crystal 
 She'll return in next week's new episode still hell-bent on killing her children. Look for an intensely emotional scene between Esther and Rebekah, in which Mama Original explains why she feels her kids should no longer "live."

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