
2012. március 26., hétfő

Tömérdeknyi érdekesség a mi SLEEPYnktől (L)

 /Ez a gif "történet" igen hasonlít a LAST WORDS c. oneshot-omra :) Nem? (L) /

Érdekes Twitter bejegyzések: I know. Their trying to keep SE satisfied, but it's sort of unfair...when SE were together, they didnt care to satisfy us.

I'm getting sick of it. Fucking sick of appeasing both sides. SE had their chance, its our time.

2x22 We have Elena saying to Damon: "I like you just the way you are." 3x22 I hope she will say "I love you."

Damon needs and loves Elena more than Stefan. Stefan needs and loves his brother more than Elena...
Közvélemény-kutatás: Mikor fog Elena szerelmet vallani Damonnak? :MEGNÉZEM 

Vampire Diaries - Candice Accola and Nina Dobrev on the set of "There Goes the Neighborhood"As far as finales go, The Vampire Diaries TV series certainly doesn’t disappoint. In fact, they tend to break our hearts, scream our heads off, and beg for more. And, according toVampire Diaries cast members Candice Accola and Nina Dobrev (who spoke toEntertainment Weekly and Gold Derby, respectively) the season 3 finale is going to rattle our supernatural-loving spirits to the core! Full of suspense, full of red-hot drama…it’s going to greatly rival the shocking twist at the end of the first season’s finale, “Founder’s Day”! (To quote Candice Accola: “I won’t reveal if I cried or not… Okay, fine. I totally cried. But in really unexpected moments.”) Get the scoop on Tyler Lockwood’s return, Abby Bennett’s transition, and Salvatore romances below.

Kat Graham & Candice Accola dance, filmed by Nina Dobrev

KÖSZÖNÖM Sleepy DE TESÁM, az infókat, vidiket, és képeket (L) Imádat! Nagyon!

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