
2012. március 29., csütörtök

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" I doubt 3x20 will be great for SE. I think the threw the dance at SE'rs, i dont think it meant much. JP hinted that it'll be sad for Stefan plus Damon's car was in front of Elena's house and no Alaric/Jer/Stefan with them and it was a NIGHT SCENE."  --------> huhu, ez aztán felcsigázta az érdeklődésemet. Lehet SE tánci után Elenka Damonnal tölti az éjszakát? Damonci begurul egy picit, miután látja a táncot...és most Elena kiengeszteli? XD 

 "i dont think its an almost kiss. From what i hear he just dips her and they were close thats all and Elena was like "i have to tell you something/we need to talk" with a tone which didnt sound like its good news. Maybe DE kiss in 3x19 or something intimate and Elena wanted to tell Stefan. JP also hinted that it'll be sad for Stefan at the end"

Kösziiiiii Eewa, feldobtad a napomat ;)

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