
2012. február 4., szombat

Delena vs Stelena.

Youtube kommenteken még mindig jót szoktam nevetni..:D Főleg a "Poor Stefen", " Go Stelena Fans" - s hozzászólásokon XD Úgy látszik nekik nem volt elég 2 évad...! De azért vicces, hogy Delenás kommentből több van. Mily meglepő, nem igaz? :D

Delena, Stefan haters
"I'm sick of you SE people whining about wanting Stelena back. You had Stelena for TWO seasons. 70% of people are DE fans and don't you think those people deserve at least one nice DE season without you ruining it for them?"( EZ A LÉNYEG!!!!!!!!!)

"BUT when our precious stefan heard that elena kissed damon he said that he s sorry about the killing thing.. and he s all about "i love elena" and let s punch damon!! WTF?? he love elena so deeply!! i m just thinking that .. when she was alla about "saving stefan" he didn t even care..but when he heard about damon he is like "i m good now and i love you and take me back".. DAMON TO START DATING WITH ELENA!!! i m asking a lot??"( Ezt én sem mondhattam volna szebben :)) 

"XDD Can I say something to Delena haters ? First Damon is 10000 times hotter, better and all that than Stefan , second Stefan will always be bunny eater and JERK and thirt F**K all that Ian and Nina in RL are togerther so... Delena ROCK !!!! DELENA ALL THE WAY !! <3"

"STEFAN FTW! Stfu haters, because Stefan is the most selfless person ever! He did it everything to save ungrateful Damon. Like a thousand times."

"After last episode and in addition this webclip, I have LITERALLY lost any and all respect for Stefan...the guy is a terribly selfish asshole that apparently has problems thinking about other people's feelings. He would seriously insinuate that Damon would leave him to die in order to have Elena to himself?! REALLY?! Also, Stefan pretty much taunted Damon by saying 'it's your responsibility to care about Elena now' AND RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER! I'm sorry...he's an unbelievable dick. >:[ "

"Stefan sucks." (Ez igen lényegretörő XDDDDD I like it :D)

"I am so terrified of this episode- Damon is gonna get hurt big time. They always through a curve into the story when Damon becomes to likable, both in our( the fans) and Elena's eyes. I love Stefan to but i live for Damon and for Delena. I just want him to be happy, accepted and loved. Just once, let him have a glimpse of a happy freakin' ending!" (szívemből szólt :)

"REALLY ?? WHY YOU WANT STUPID STELENA ( Sorry Stelena fans ) ?? There's no that LOVE anymore !! DELENA IS REAL THING !! Stefan is maybe first love, but DAMON IS REAL LOVE !! We love Delena and we want Delena cuz.. only word to describe Delena is PERFECT !! Damon is that Salvatore brother who deserves Elena and her love , cuz that thinghs what he done for her and that she be safe and happy !! Cuz that they are DELENA and they are PERFECT !!! DELENA ALWAYS AND FOREVER !!!! <3"

"This whole "Stefan is only acting like a dick, because he thinks he doesn't deserve Elena after all what he had done" reminds me of Edward. And he sucks exactly as Stefan does!"(Nah jóóóóóóó, hivatalosan is sííííííírok a röhögéstől :D)


Stelena, Stefan lovers
"I WANT OLD STEFAN I don't want SE BUT I WANT OLD STEFAN the one who didn't kill people the one who was a great friend to everybody :'( Please Stefan comeback I do love Ripper Stefan but I cry each time I see a glitter of hope that he's back but then he says something and it throws of the momment C'mon Stefan Please Please Please Come back soon :)"


"Damon is soo rude for snatching the invitation from elena's hand. Elena should go with Stefan not Damon. TEAM STELENA FOREVER"

"Stupid Stelena? are you fucking kidding me? That Kind Of ;love never dies! This is true love!"

"delena fans, you need to realzie that stefan is the leading charakter in this show, and stelena is always going to be there, even if she'll be with damon someday ... So top hating on stelena or Stefan. it's annoying and childish !"

"I'm sorry but i love Stefan!!! He's amazing!! And he's going to look amazing in a tux! Go Stefan! Best TVD character ever! Stelena never dies<33333333" ( A legjobb tvd karakter? Persze nem mindenki lehet Damon fan, én ezt megértem. Senki sem ugyanolyan :D DE...just kidding me? :D Stefan lenne a legizgibb karakter? XDDDDDDDD Ez még viccnek is nagyon rossz!)

+ Egy "Matt a TVD HŐSE" komment
"Damon or Stefan? Who cares? They're both HOOOT :D At least she's not with Mr. boring ---> Matt lol" ( EZ A NAP BESZÓLÁSA!!!!)

Éssssss ezt CSAK miattad Nirvikém :D
"Screw this. After episode 13, I'm an official Klaus fan! I'm gonna make evil eye on Caroline next week. Sorry, Damon. I still love you. But Klaus is... KLAUS... (^.^)"

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