
2012. február 10., péntek

Dear Elena: You don't deserve Damon!

Látom nem csak nálam verte ki a biztosítékot ez az epizód + a 15. részhez kapott webklipp. Hoztam egy pár kommentet. Magéért beszélnek!

Fuck You!!!" 

"You guys, I'm honestly stunned at this episode. I cannot believe that they just ruined this ship by making it clear that Elena will only love Damon if Stefan doesn't love her. How, how, how, how could Elena throw Damon's "I love you" in his face? How could she not trust him? How could she get Stefan - of all people! - to kill Damon? After "Do you trust me?" "Yes." and "Where were you, Damon?" and "I don't know what I would do if you weren't here."

"Yeah, I love the Salvatore brother relationship and it has been destroyed because they love the same girl. Pity. But Damon never said that Stefan doesnt deserve Elena. He even tried to make Stefan come back to Elenas arms... Yes, of course Stefan want's Elena because he's in love with her and Elena still loves him I guess, but Stefan doesnt have to be a d*ick to Damon all the time just because he protects her and loves her? Yes he did, to Elena "Damon doesnt deserve you.""

"LOL... I'm sick of all this ''Stefan saved Damon'' excuse, Damon did the same in 3x03, and no one seem to give a fuck, he saved Matt in this epi and tried to keep Elena alive, and Stefan says ''You're better than him, Elena'' and now ''sure as hell better off without you'', everyone treats him like shit, this is ridiculous... POOR DAMON!"( Stefannak aztán van bőr a pofáján, hogy ezt ki merte mondani)

"SCREW YOU STEFAN!!"( maximálisan :))

"Poor Damon :("

"OK STEFAN. You and Elena are really pissing me off. How dare you say Elena is better off without Damon. Who was there for her when you were on a fucking no humanity murdering bender????!!!!!!!"

"OK feel so much better about last episode now that I know Elena is jealous. This is the writers annoy me, they made Elena so out of character last episode now it's going to take the rest of the season if not longer for Elena and Damon to work stuff out."

"I thought I never say this, but I' starting to get really tired of the triangle drama between these three. I'm a big Delena shipper but I'm starting to give up. Damon is by far the best character on the show and I'm so angry how Elena treats him. First she is like "Be a better man Damon, start caring about others" And when he does she's like "You care to much, it's a problem that you love me." And an hour later she tries to make Stefan kiss her, after all he did to her...?" (komolyan örülök, hogy nem csak én vagyok ezen a véleményen. Mondtam én, hogy előbb vagy utóbb itt feladják az emberek)


"Damon is Single he sleeeps with who ever he wants too .. !!! Elena well b** get jealous now its ur turn to run behind him :D"

uhh sorry but Damon did nothing wrong. He and Rebekah were lonely and it just happened. It's not like Elena can stake claim on him, they're not together and she's taking him for granted ALL SEASON LONG."

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