
2012. január 27., péntek

Damon vs Stefan.

Bringing Out the Dead 3x13 webclip_ Katt ide!

A legújabb rész webklipp-jéhez írt legjobb kommentek youtube-on :)  Hogy milyen igazuk van ;)

"I'm really failing hard at understanding Stefan. 2 wks ago he was all about being a "better" villain and now he's brooding about a little kiss?!?! Sucks! Sucks! The way they write his character is so poor, I can't even. So when did he go from villain to broody Stefan?? What did I miss?? This was the character development I was looking forward to and it hasn't happened! Bottom line is: Stefan sucks!!!"(személyes vélemény, Stefan Suck! XDDD)

"I have to agree. Damon's a stud, but he didn't have to kiss Elena. Although I'm not complaining. He totally made that move on his own. He has, however, been rather good. I expected him to go for Elena /long/ before this. And then, too, Elena's not too innocent herself. She /says/ the kissy deathbed scene was just for show (not exactly her words, but you get it), but she really has feelings for Damon. It's not all Damon's fault, either." (személyes vélemény, Stefan olyan idióta, egy half-ripper, aki csak a saját bátyját tudja hibáztatni, közben tudja, hogy Elena "hibája" is a Damonnal elcsattant csók, főleg mert azt mondta, hogy "I kissed Damon". Szóval miért is csak Damonra dühös? Jah, mert megmentette már milliószor az életét? Ohhh, hát persze, bocsánat, el is felejtettem...Elena jobb, mint Damon. Jobb mindkettőjüknél. Come on, this is shit!)

" don't think he's ever going to forgive himself. Because he's been hard on himself. We've established that. We set it up – that's one of the reasons he drank animal blood, is because it was his penance for all the wrong things he had done. And now will he ever be able to forgive himself and get back from it? And earn the love of a girl again? She'll love him, but I don't think he's going to let her so easily. " - KW
He thinks he does't deserve her love, that's why he didn't come back.

"DAMON IS THE BOSS <333"(hát ezen szakadtam XD)

 "Damon didn't get bitten by Tyler on purpose, he did it to save Caroline and Matt. Damon never asked Stefan to join Klaus to save him, Stefan made that choice all by himself. I don't blame him, I would have done the same for my siblings. But Stefan also made the choice to not coming back to Elena after getting his free will back, revenge was more important to him. " (személyes vélemény, az összes szóval egyetértek, ilyen formában összerakva. Azzal már senki sem törődik, hogy anno Damon Elena barátait akarta megmenteni? Sokan Őt hibáztatják Poor Stefan mártírkodásáért. Mi jogon? Stefan's choice')

És akkor jöjjön, aminek jönnie kell...itt van egy olyan komment is, ami ELÉG NAGY FAS***G XD

 "stefan never "let" klaus turn him! Klaus compelled him. and the only reason that stefan is where he is in the first place is because of damon... so damon has no right to say anything about stefan changing.. cuz if it hadnt been for him stefan would be fine"

Remélem mindenki látja a vélemények közti különbséget, főleg az igazságtartalmukat illetően. Azért vicces, hogy "Poor Stefan" kommentből csak egyet találtam. Vajon miért? 
Enjoy the day!

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